Welcome to the Strawberry Tea! An annual event for seniors, and children of all ages!
Since summer is upon us, there is nothing like enjoying a nice warm day out on the veranda, particularly at the historic Stewart Farm in South Surrey. If you haven’t been to the Stewart Farm, it maybe time to visit.
Everyone is invited (over age 5) to have a nice cup of strawberry tea and sweets. Interested in getting out of the house and craving afternoon tea? Put on your fine Sunday hat (and furthermore, gloves for the ladies) and have your caregiver take you for a leisurely afternoon drive to the farm and relax and enjoy the company and conversation of other seniors and alike in your community.
Choose from any tea from 1pm to 2pm on:
- Wednesday, June 20
- Thursday, June 21
- Friday, June 22
- Saturday, June 23
- Sunday, June 24
Lastly, for information on cost and registration, visit https://www.surrey.ca/culture-recreation/26644.aspx?startDate=Jun-12-2018 for details.